Client Testimonials

Names have been changed to protect the identities of my clients

Carmen's Testimonial

Carmen is a 30 year old single woman of Muslim faith, who was caught up in drug addiction as a result of childhood and adult sexual abuse and neglect. I spent 16 sessions with her in 2022 before she moved out of the area to continue with her recovery. I have heard through reliable sources that Carmen is now working in a Rehab and assisting other people to overcome their addictions.

“I feel like a rock has lifted from my heart, that was dragging me down. I feel free. I have benefitted a lot from counselling as it has made me a stronger woman. I feel that Sandy is good at her job, and I am really sad that our relationship is ending. I have learned to open up about things that I have never been able to talk about in the past and it has set me free. I now have faith, hope and courage to deal with my life in a positive way. It has helped me to get closer to God.”

Kelly's Testimonial

Kelly, a 24 year old young lady was referred to me in 2021 after she had been experiencing extreme social anxiety, low self-esteem, shame and guilt over having experienced being raped by a boyfriend at the age of 17. We spent 24 hours in sessions after which she had radically changed from the inside out and was ready to ‘fly solo’. This is her story…


“I started counselling in June 2021, not knowing what to expect and although it hasn’t been a year, in that time I faced my past trauma, I sorted out my issues, I created boundaries, I have learnt to have respect for myself and my body. But, most importantly, I learnt that closure is not external... search for it all you want, you’ll never find it because it must come from you. You’ve got to learn to forgive yourself for your past and own it.

Don’t wear it as shame or guilt or hatred for yourself, but to remind you of who you have been, so that you can become the best version of yourself for the future. I was on a path of self-destruction because I felt betrayed, hurt, and broken but on this journey, I learnt that I’ve also betrayed, hurt, and broken other people. I cannot take away the pain that I have caused but I can make sure that I make better choices.”

 I am proud of who I am today because I am finally free from the chains

 that had me bound since I was 17.


“I started therapy feeling scared, sceptical, lost and a little bit overwhelmed because I was afraid to be vulnerable. You made me feel relaxed and welcomed from the get-go and that allowed me to be so open and honest, I didn’t feel afraid anymore.

A year ago, I didn’t know who I was… I felt that everyone had their own opinions and perceptions about me, and that created a discombobulated identity for me. You told me that I did all the work to get to where I am now, but I could have never progressed to this point without you there to guide me and challenge my thoughts and feelings. I am so grateful and thankful to you, because although you may feel as if I had the power and strength within me this entire time to get to this point, it took you to ignite that fire and drive for me to realise the person that I wanted to be.

I wish you well and I hope that one day when I become a play therapist, I’ll be able to change somebody’s life, just like how you changed mine. I will never forget you.

Thank you for giving me back my wings, I’m ready to fly.”

Cathy's Testimonial

Cathy a 40 year old lady is a qualified psychologist. She found me on the ACC website as she was experiencing severe depression and social anxiety stemming from childhood sexual abuse and neglect. We had 24 Christian Counselling sessions after which she felt she had begun to come to terms with what had happened to her, and she now felt ready to begin working on building a meaningful relationship with her mother who had neglected her.


“I crossed paths with Sandy at a low point in my life, as I was struggling with severe depression, and during our therapeutic journey, I have found her to be an amazing therapist, skilled, intuitive and resourceful, and a wonderful person - kind, warm and reliable. Thank you, Sandy, for your time, your wonderful energy, empathy, and dedication, it has made such a difference.”

               Jolene's Testimonial

Jolene, a lady in her 40’s came to see me in 2023 as she was in an abusive marriage and felt helpless and hopeless. At first her husband attended counselling but left as I was not ‘fixing’ his wife. Jolene continued counselling on her own and we completed 39 sessions. She gained confidence, discovered her identity in Christ and had new courage to pursue God's purpose for her life.


“Feeling numb, depressed and so deep in a hole, I thought there was no way Sandy could help me. We met each week. Sandy graciously listening to what I was feeling (or the numbness) and what I've been going through in my abusive relationship.


Sandy's caring, patient and compassionate way helped me feel comfortable and welcome. Not only did we pray together but Sandy taught me how to pray into each situation. Using different techniques, Sandy helped me grow in confidence, to realise it's not my fault that the marriage has broken down and slowly helped me climb out of the hole I found myself in.


I honestly would not be in the position I am now, able to see colour again, smile and accept that the past circumstances and events are growth not failure, without Sandy's weekly sessions. I'm truly grateful I met Sandy and have already recommended her to others and will continue to do so.”

Gina's Testimonial

Gina came to me in February 2023 broken hearted over a betrayal and breakup with her fiancé shortly before their marriage. At the same time, she left a job that she loved due to unfavourable circumstances. I worked with her for 27 sessions and she had her final session in November 2023 where she left feeling able to continue with hope for her future.

“Thank you so much for all your support over this last year, its been invaluable to me and made so much difference. I pray that the Lord will continue to guide you and use your gifts and talents for His glory through your ministry. I think the Lord sees you as a gardener doing the essential and core work needed for full fruit and flowers further into the season. An essential building block in so many peoples stories.” 

One Year after commencing counselling - in April 2024 I heard from Gina again:

I just wanted to drop you a message to say that I'm doing well and very much enjoying life. The Lord has been very kind, as always, and I have a new job since January which I am enjoying, it's nice to have a team in the office and be working near to home. 

I've got a good group of friends here now and starting to have more opportunities to speak at church and things like that which is cool too. 

Obviously occasionally low days but for the most part very grateful for how the Lord has changed my life around in a way that only He could. Such a difference from this time last year! I was chatting to my friend the other day and she was like 'have you told your counsellor that you're doing well and how much she helped you?!' so I thought I would drop you a message to update you and to say thank you so much for your part in all the Lord has done the last year.

Janet's Testimony

Janet is a counsellor in her 40’s. She came to me in January 2024. Janet was newly converted to Christianity after being an atheist for most of her adult life. She had recently experienced spiritual and financial abuse from someone she trusted. We only had 6 sessions but the transformation in Janet was amazing as she engaged wholeheartedly in sessions and did the work needed to heal from the trauma she had endured.

“Thank you for your counselling, support during a dark and challenging period in my life.  At the beginning of counselling, I set objectives and goals, but I far exceeded those with your help.  I valued so many aspects of your approach, but the most helpful ones were your ability to listen, and the holistic approach took, which really helped me to lean into my faith for the support I needed.  I felt totally heard and fully understood, and that was priceless to me.  Each week, the pressure I had been feeling got lighter. I began to clearly see a path through and how I could walk that path.  I felt empowered to change myself when I realised I could not change the problem.  Counselling has finished, but I still have the insights and tools given along with a new sense of self and wellbeing for the journey ahead. 

 I cannot thank you enough. And I would certainly recommend you to others.”

    Yasmine's Testimony

    Yasmine, a lady in her late 70's made contact with me in July

    2023. She was experiencing stress, anxiety and social anxiety.

    We spent 14 sessions together and by the end of this period she       had discovered the causes of her anxieties, had tools to

    manage her anxiety, and was engaging in a meaningful social 


    "Looking back to the way I was feeling last summer (2023), 

    negative, worthless, and very unhappy, Sandy’s counselling

    has guided me through my thoughts, my feelings, challenges

    and how to grow on in confidence and to move on in

    situations I cannot change.

    Now I am happier and look forward to life and my future, all

    thanks to Sandy."

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Marie's Testimory

Marie is a young lady of 17 who spent 9 sessions with me. She was exploring her identity and how she fitted into her community at school, and wanted to gain clarity on her current relationships and make decisions for her future at University. 

 At the beginning I was a little bit nervous to be starting this with you as I had never done something like this before, but by the 2nd week I already felt comfortable speaking to you, and relaxed. I think you have really helped me look at things from a different perspective. Thank you for the invaluable input into my life. It is much appreciated.

Nadia's Testimonial

Nadia is a social worker who was experiencing conflicts at work which were becoming troublesome due to her conditions of worth and low self esteem. She reached out to me for help. We only had 5 sessions after which we had to stop due to a conflict of interest. She will be resuming sessions again in the future.

My friends had been suggesting I try therapy for sometime but I just wasn’t finding the right person! After I spoke to Sandy, I decided to take a risk. I found her to be non judgemental, kind, understanding, supportive and gently challenging! I needed this in a relationship in which I was going to talk about some of my deepest secrets! I am hoping I will be able to resume sessions with her in the near future!!

If these testimonies inspire you to seek help Take the first step and email me

No issue is too big or too small to address.

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