Counselling Resources

You may find these resources helpful in navigating your Life Path.



Sometimes it is difficult to clarify just how we are feeling.

If you are able to identify your emotions by putting language to them, you are then able to :

Acknowledge them

Own them

Decide how to respond to them in a healthy way.

Emotions can be listed under six categories.


Disgust:  Contempt, disgust, revulsion

Envy:  Envy, jealousy

Exasperation:    Exasperation, frustration

Irritation:    Aggravation, agitation, annoyance, grouchiness, grumpiness, irritation

Rage:    Anger, bitterness, dislike, ferocity, fury, hate, hostility, loathing, outrage, rage, resentment, scorn, spite, vengefulness, wrath

Torment:    Torment


Disappointment:   Disappointment, dismay, displeasure

Neglect:   Alienation, defeat, dejection, embarrassment, homesickness, humiliation, insecurity, isolation, insult, loneliness, neglect, rejection

Sadness:   Depression, despair, gloom, glumness, grief, hopelessness, melancholy, misery, sadness, sorrow, unhappiness, woe

Shame:   Guilt, regret, remorse, shame

Suffering:  Agony, anguish, hurt, suffering

Sympathy:  Pity, sympathy


Surprise: Amazement, astonishment, surprise


Horror:   Alarm, fear, fright, horror, hysteria, mortification, panic, shock, terror

Nervousness: Anxiety apprehension, distress, dread, nervousness, tenseness, uneasiness, worry


Cheerfulness:   Amusement, bliss, cheerfulness, delight, ecstasy, elation, enjoyment, euphoria, gaiety, gladness, glee, happiness, jolliness, joviality, joy, jubilation, satisfaction

Contentment:   Contentment, pleasure

Enthrallment:   Enthrallment, rapture

Optimism:   Eagerness, hope, optimism

Pride:   Pride, triumph

Relief:   Relief

Zest:   Enthusiasm, excitement, exhilaration, thrill, zeal, zest


Affection: Adoration, affection, attraction, caring, compassion, fondness, liking, love, sentimentality, tenderness

Longing: Longing

Lust: Arousal, desire, infatuation, lust, passion

Establish what is within your capacity to control.

Much stress is caused by worrying about, and trying to control what is beyond our ability to control.

Draw up two lists :- based on the information on the image.

  1. What is NOT within your ability to control

   2. What IS within your ability to control.

Then make a decision and have a strategy to stop worrying about and 'let go' of what is beyond your control.

Decide what and how you can go about changing that which you can control.

I have no control over ........

I can control.........

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