Lifepath Resources  
Help with Navigating Life
with Respect & Dignity


Reconciliation Facilitation

Your journey to wholeness is as unique as you are. We know and understand that no two people are alike and the same goes for your unique path in life. The challenges you face may be common to man but your way through them is very unique to you.  No two solutions to the same issue is identical - We commit to journey with you to find your unique path to wholeness and renewed purpose.

Uprooting Weeds

Even the most beautiful garden has weeds. If allowed to flourish the weeds will take over and choke out the plants and flowers. The gardener is careful and diligent to remove the weeds by their roots to allow the garden to flourish unhindered. 

The same is true in our lives, we all have 'weeds' in the form of lies we believe as truth, unhealthy thought patterns, toxic emotions and many other destructive devices which need to be weeded out by their roots.  Using various methods of counselling, mentoring or coaching we can come alongside with you to discover the root of issues causing unhealthy or tumultuous relationships, what appears to be 'bad luck', blockages to success or ongoing health issues. Our mission is to see you flourish as originally intended - unhindered, beautiful and living a fulfilled life.

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New Beginnings

The saying goes 'when life throws you lemons, make lemonade'.  Easier said than done!  When you are standing in the rubble of what is left of your life after suffering rejection, abandonment or trauma, its hard to see or even imagine a new beginning...

We understand where you may find yourself and know that putting the past behind you and starting over can be a traumatic and painful journey.

We can walk with you as you 'pick up the pieces' get perspective, and make sense of your life as we  journey with you into wholeness, happiness and prosperity.
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The Way Forward

The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. We know only too well that its that first step, that initial decision can be the hardest - when you are down its hard to pick yourself up - but once you take that first step, the second, the third and every step thereafter becomes easier. With us no mountain is too high, no valley too deep, no issue to big or too small to address, conquer and get victory over. 

Along the way you may discover your hidden gifts and talents. 
We help you discover the reason you were created for such a time as this. You were created to solve a problem.  What do you have that the world needs right now?  WHO ARE YOU ?

Restoration of your Spirit, Soul and Body is a process. We come alongside with small manageable steps which lead along a path of discovery and healing.

Integration of the whole person, spirit, soul and body,  is our goal for each and every one.

Health Hope & Healing

When there is a will there is a way - You can choose how to connect with us.

Face to Face

We recommend face to face meetings. Building relationship and trust is the basis of our work. We are dedicated to your healing process.

Connecting over the Net

We are flexible and can accommodate you by connecting via zoom or video connection.

Small Group Teachings

We run teachings for small groups - exploring the roots of different issues and discovering our path to freedom and a happier life.


Seminars are a great place to meet like minded people, make new friends and learn new things. We aim for a seminar annually
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